Hopping into Rabbit Awareness Week, with Package Pets


As Rabbit Awareness Week, (RAW) will be taking place from the 26th-30th June, we thought it would be a great time to share some information on how to keep our floppy eared friends happy & healthy. Throughout this blog, we will explore various aspects of rabbit care & enrichment while offering practical tips on how best to care for your rabbit.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a Safe and Stimulating Environment
  3. Providing a Balanced Diet
  4. Regular Exercise and Playtime
  5. Grooming and Hygiene
  6. Mental Stimulation and Enrichment
  7. Veterinary Care and Health Monitoring
  8. Conclusion


Creating a Safe and Stimulating Environment

  • Choosing the right housing: Whether you choose an indoor rabbit cage or outdoor hutch, it is imperative to provide your furry friend with a spacious & well-ventilated living area so that your rabbit can exhibit all natural behaviours without feeing restrained.
  • Bunny-proofing: Often overlooked but incredibly important, it is essential that rabbit owners ensure that there are no toxic plants/hazardous materials such as wires in the vicinity of your pet’s living area. Common plants that are toxic to rabbits include: daffodils, rhubarb, rhododendrons, chrysanthemums, lilies & foxgloves.
  • Providing hiding spots & tunnels: Creating a safe & cosy environment with hideouts such as an edible rabbit tunnel, topped with their favourite snacks & treats can help offer a sense of security.


Providing a Balanced Diet

  • Hay: Offering your rabbit with plenty of healthy hay is essential for optimised digestion & dental health. Timothy Hay is packed full of fibre & perfect for improving digestive health.
  • Fresh vegetables: As rabbits are herbivores, they require leafy greens such as kale & romaine lettuce in moderate amounts.
  • Pellets: A smaller but also essential part of your rabbit’s diet, pellets offer a concentrated source of fibre, vitamins, minerals & proteins. A small amount of pellets with your rabbit’s fresh veg & hay will ensure that they are getting all of the necessary nutrients.
  • Drinking water: Constant access to clean drinking water is essential


Regular Exercise & Playtime

  • Daily exercise: Rabbits are active animals that should always be able to explore/roam around the area in which they live. Providing your pet with a rabbit play pen is a great way to allow them to happily hop while you have the peace of mind that they are safe.
  • Interactive toys: Toys that encourage mental stimulation and physical activity such as tunnels, a rabbit forage mat or even exciting treat dispensing toys offer your rabbit with the ability to exercise while keeping themselves entertained.


Grooming & Hygiene

  • Brushing: Regularly grooming your rabbit’s coat helps to prevent matting & hairballs, especially for long-haired breeds. In order to groom your rabbit’s coat, use a gentle slicker bush or similar.
  • Nail trims: Keeping nails trimmed to a comfortable length prevents injury caused through nails getting caught & supports improved mobility.
  • Dental care: As rabbits and other similar small animals have open-rooted, (continuously growing) teeth, it is paramount to provide them with ample gnawing toys & dental treats.


Environmental Enrichment & Social Interaction

  • Social interaction: Spending quality time with your rabbit through gently handling & petting them can help build trust & ensure they feel safe.
  • Environmental enrichment: ensuring that your rabbit’s cage/hutch or enclosure offers a variety of enrichment opportunities such as tunnels, dens & rabbit bridges helps to break boredom.


Veterinary Care & Health Monitoring

  • Regular check-ups: Schedule, (at least) annual wellness visits with a veterinarian savvy with all things rabbit-related so you can identify & treat illness early.
  • Vaccinations: Ensure that you speak with veterinarians over the required vaccinations to ensure that you can help prevent your rabbit from common diseases/illnesses.
  • Health monitoring: Be pro-active and attentive towards any signs of discomfort or changes in your rabbit’s behaviour. If litter box habits and/or your rabbit’s appetite changes, seek prompt veterinary advice.



By implementing the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure that your rabbit enjoys a happy and healthy life. From providing a safe and stimulating environment to offering a balanced diet, regular exercise, and mental enrichment, every aspect of rabbit care plays a crucial role in their well-being. Remember, a happy rabbit is a cherished companion, bringing boundless joy and love to your home.

By prioritizing their happiness and health, you can forge a strong bond with your furry friend and create a fulfilling life together. With proper care, attention, and love, your rabbit will thrive and enrich your life in countless ways. Here's to many joyful and healthy years with your beloved bunny.